The Show: Michael Ostrolenk and Robert Dreyfuss

by | Jul 3, 2008 | Stress Blog | 17 comments

Michael Ostrolenk and Robert Dreyfuss will be the featured guests on the Scott Horton Show at Antiwar Radio, Friday, July 4th.

Michael Ostrolenk will be discussing his recent article, ‘Ten Reasons Why Conservatives Should Oppose War with Iran’ at 12:15PM Eastern

Robert Dreyfuss will be discussing U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East at 1:15PM Eastern.

Michael Ostrolenk is founder and president of the American Conservative Defense Alliance. A public policy consultant who works on health, education, privacy, foreign policy, and national security issues, Mr. Ostrolenk is the co-founder of the Liberty Coalition, focusing on protecting civil liberties and promoting national security.

Robert Dreyfuss has worked as an independent journalist who specializes in magazine features, profiles, and investigative stories in the areas of politics and national security. In 2001, He was profiled as a leading investigative journalist by the Columbia Journalism Review, and two of his articles have won awards from The Washington Monthly. In 2003, Dreyfuss was awarded Project Censored’s first prize for a story on the role of oil in U.S. policy toward Iraq. He has appeared on scores of radio and television talk shows, including Hannity and Colmes on Fox News, C-Span, CNBC, MSNBC, Court TV, and, on National Public Radio, The Diane Rehm Show and Public Interest with Kojo Nnamdi, and Pacifica’s Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman. Dreyfuss has been writing for Rolling Stone for at least a decade.

The Scott Horton Show airs Monday through Friday from 12PM-2PM Eastern on KAOS 92.7FM. Additional feeds and archives available at Antiwar Radio.