Eric Margolis and Robert Scheer will be the featured guests on the Scott Horton Show at Antiwar Radio on Friday, November 14th.
Margolis will discuss Pakistan and Afghanistan at 12:15PM Eastern and Scheer will discuss his latest article on, “Cold War Hawks Nesting With Obama” at 1:15PM Eastern.
Eric Margolis is an award-winning author (American Raj: Liberation or Domination, War at the Top of the World), syndicated columnist, broadcaster, and foreign correspondent for Sun Media. Robert Scheer is the Editor-in-Chief of and author of The Pornography of Power: How Defense Hawks Hijacked 9/11 and Weakened America.
The Scott Horton Show airs Monday through Friday from 12PM-2PM Eastern on KAOS 92.7FM. Additional feeds and archives available at Antiwar Radio.