Restoration Caucus Seeks Return to 2004 LP Platform

by | Dec 26, 2007 | Stress Blog

Writes Angela Keaton:

Angela Keaton sent a message to the members of Libertarian Party Rothbard Caucus. ——————–
Subject: Restore 04 is Live

(Lifted directly from Mr. Nolan’s email)

Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2007 13:00:54 -0700
Subject: Re: When may we tell others about your site?

A group of Libertarian Party members who believe that the Party’s 2004 Platform better represents the libertarian vision than does the truncated version adopted in 2006 have formed the Restoration Caucus, and will work to restore the earlier version at the upcoming LP convention in Denver next May. Their first step will be to petition the members of the 2008 Platform Committee to adopt the 2004 Platform as the starting point for their deliberations, rather than trying to create a new platform based on the ‘butchered’ 2006 version.

According to the Restoration Caucus website — – the founding members of the Caucus ‘believe that the wisest and most effective course the 2008 Platform Committee can take will be to restore the 2004 Platform, which evolved over three decades and includes contributions from many of our Party’s greatest thinkers. Any attempt to thoughtfully and carefully address each of the issues we need to address, starting from scratch, will be laborious and contentious. And a hastily conceived document is likely to be rejected in its entirety by the delegates in Denver.

‘The 2004 Platform offers a time-tested basis for future platforms. Clearly, there will need to be changes, and the 2008 Platform Committee must address them on a plank-by-plank basis. But the obvious first step they should take is to revert to the 2004 Platform as a starting point.’

Early signers of the petition to restore the 2004 platform include David F. Nolan (a founder of the Libertarian Party), David Bergland (former VP and Presidential candidate, and former National Chair), 2008 Presidential hopeful Steve Kubby, current LNC member Angela Keaton, and former California LP Chairs Ted Brown and Mark Hinkle.

In urging their fellow Libertarians to support the Restore ’04 drive, the petition’s signers note that the 2006 platform was adopted at ‘the smallest national convention since 1973,’ which was ‘less than half the size of the 2004 convention in Atlanta.’ They also state that ‘We do not see this proposal as being either ’radical’ or ’reformist.’ It is simply an attempt to restore our party’s long-standing stance on the key issues facing America.’

LP members who would like to support the Restoration Caucus can sign the petition at

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