Ashley Todd, who John McCain called to comfort yesterday and whose campaign hyped the story as loudly as they could, has admitted that her story about a big, scary, black man who beat her up and carved – ever so lightly – a backwards “B” for Barack on her face … was pure bullshit.
“She also indicated she was sexually assaulted as well. She indicated that when he had her on the ground he put his hand up her blouse and started fondling her. But other than that, she says she doesn’t remember anything else. So we’re adding a sexual assault to this as well.”
So, in the spirit of War Party propaganda-level reporting – as was seen all over the right–internet yesterday – this just in!:
Matt Drudge Kills Self
(Los Angeles): No longer able to live with a big, scary, black, hole where his dignity was supposed to be, Matt Drudge has shot himself to death in the face today.
The ex-communists at National Review are blaming a dark skinned mugger.