In his September 11 debate with Harvey Kushner, Scott daringly opened his introductory statement with a denunciation of democracy, which Kushner wants to spread like lice. Democracy, hold your hand over your heart and dab your lids when you invoke the god-word, still has a very high reputation among the young and naive. Not in Los Alto Hills, California.
In the spring of ’07, then seven-year-old Zoe Holtz planned to open a lemonade stand on her parents’ lawn. In an earlier America, Young Holtz would have been applauded for her pluck. Instead, she and her father were forced to plead her case in front of her local city council as the sale of agricultural products produced on resident’s property; sale of merchandise/goods was prohibited by the Town’s Codes. Her request was granted only when assurances were made that she would not put the stand in the road.
In addition to being a self starter, Holtz is a critic of what Florence King described as “the crude leading the crud.”