January Archive for the Liberated Space

by | Feb 2, 2007 | Stress Blog | 4 comments

Since Scott does not mind double posts, here are some of the new shows available in a format designed for your listening pleasure:

February 1: Policy analyst Mohammed Miraki on his new book Afghanistan After Democracy. Note: The site contains repulsive images. http://www.afghanistanafterdemocracy.com

January 25: Medical marijuana activist and candidate for the 2008 LP Presidential nomination Steve Kubby. Anti-war content.

January 18: Dean Tong on the Duke Rape Case and much more.

January 11: Sex worker panel dominated by libertarians, libertines and other fascinating thinkers on feminism, gender, and the anti-pornography movement with Lady Aster, Starchild and Holly Pottle.

January 4: Physicist and candidate for the 2008 LP Presidential nomination, George Phillies. Anti-war content.