When I was laid off from Antiwar.com in the summer of 2012 (due to illegal FBI police state persecution of that organization) there was a real question as to whether or not the show could survive.
For an ideological libertarian, I’m a pretty lousy businessman, and job opportunities in the libertarian movement are incredibly scarce.
But so I decided to just try to get a handful of advertisers from within the movement — at incredibly reasonable rates — and then fill in the gaps with monthly subscriptions and random donations from you listeners.
I’m proud to say that it’s worked pretty well so far. Mine ain’t the most popular show in the world, but apparently you all who really like it really do like it alot. I’m very grateful for that.
The show doesn’t cost all that much to produce except for the overseas phone calls. But equipment is wearing out and the cost of everything keeps rising…
Hey, as long as there’s an empire, there has to be a Scott Horton Show to oppose it, right?
Please do what you can to show your support and keep it available for those who want the truth about America’s murderous foreign policy.
There are many ways you can help support the show:
Support the Sponsors!
That’s them over in the right margin —>
Visit the links to buy products and services from good companies and help support the institutions that support the show through their advertising — and be sure to let them know that “Scott sent you.”
Sponsor the show! I’ll do spots for your organization or company for a song (and a little bit of money). I’m scott at scotthorton.org
You can always donate directly by check, PayPal or Google Wallet. Set up a monthly subscription and it will automatically debit your account once a month. You do not need a Paypal account to make a single donation.
The Scott Horton Show also accepts Bitcoins at 15iyneskaWD4jUxiAcZNK8krURqFGB9ycw
When you buy anything from Amazon.com, just stop by here and click through from ScottHorton.org/amazon or this Amazon symbol and the show will get a kickback from Amazon’s end of the sale — it won’t cost you a single extra dime.
Share a show or an interview on Facebook, Twitter, etc once a week to help round up more listeners.
Thanks very much yall for all the kind wishes and support!
And Happy New Year!