Brief Notes

by | May 17, 2007 | Stress Blog | 13 comments

Hmm… Looks like the Republican Party wonks are going to have to choose: let Ron Paul stay in the debates or completely ban him from any party related events.

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But the Huffintonians are hailing him as an internet celeb.  I wonder if he will get as far as Howard Dean did in 04.

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In the land of OZ, you all apparently still have a few interesting liberties left

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Do you want to hear REALLY intelligent things said about the Paul campaign?

Go to the lewrockwell blog.

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I am wondering something a little hypothetical… Would you all settle for a socialist welfare state if the warfare state was made kaput ala Sweden?  I have been to Sweden.  As much as I like to flash my libertarian colors, I must say that Sweden ain’t that bad (in summer that is).  It’s very peaceful and pleasant.  The people are very tall and well-nourished, and seem contented enough.  Politesse is pretty much legislated into every single motion a human body moves in a given day, but it seems to keep the peace.

What I’m trying to ask is this: could there ever be a functional unholy alliance between small government libertarians and big government greens and lefties?  The common buffer in which the two would  swim would be seeking the end of the military industrial complex.   Wouldn’t we be faced with a far more appealing set of things to argue about than nowadays?