06/10/11 – Marcy Wheeler – The Scott Horton Show

Marcy Wheeler, blogging as “emptywheel” at firedoglake.com, discusses the unraveling of the federal government’s case against Thomas Drake, the NSA whistleblower charged with espionage but then let off with a misdemeanor charge, the substance of Drake’s whistleblowing about wasteful and privacy-destroying outsourcing of wiretapping, why it’s now safer to leak on the record, using your name, than doing in anonymously and Obama’s attempt to reinvent the Espionage Act for broad use, esp. on those...

06/10/11 – Andy Worthington – The Scott Horton Show

Andy Worthington, author of The Guantanamo Files, discusses his micro-fundraiser – give a few bucks to the world’s best Guantanamo reporter why dontcha? – Andy’s very brief employ with NYT in 2008; the unknown Gitmo prisoners, the travesty of military commissions instead of federal court trials for KSM et al; Obama’s tour of Britain where he was treated like a demigod while still holding Brits in Guantanamo, his refusal to deal with Bush “legacy” issues like Gitmo, trials, torture and law with...

06/10/11 – David Krieger – The Scott Horton Show

David Krieger, president of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, discusses the 20,000+ nuclear weapons still around (almost all in US and Russia), the only 4 countries with deployed nukes (US, Britain, Russia,France); how nuke levels are decreasing, but not across the board and not nearly fast enough, why the new START treaty is really only a start, why the US has a moral obligation to pursue nuclear disarmament and a couple of flaws in the “deterrence” and MAD doctrines.

06/10/11 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

This interview is from the KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles broadcast of June 10th. Gareth Porter, independent historian and journalist for IPS News, discusses his article “Slain Writer’s Book Says US-NATO War Served al-Qaeda Strategy” about murdered Pakistani journalist Syed Saleem Shahzad’s last work; evidence that al-Qaeda in Pakistan is more powerful than previously thought; why scaling back the US empire won’t come until economic collapse demands it; and a formula for winning the Global War on...

06/09/11 – Jason Ditz – The Scott Horton Show

Jason Ditz, news editor of Antiwar.com discusses the wounded flight of Yemen’s dictator Saleh as the country falls apart, sorting out different factions, tribes and student groups, the US call for Saleh to step down, not in support of democratic reform, but because he is no longer an effectively brutal autocrat, the US campaign of recent air strikes al Qaeda targets, the Golan Heights protests, why casualties reflect Israel’s great concern about large peaceful protests; and Syria’s...

06/09/11 – Doug Bandow – The Scott Horton Show

Doug Bandow, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, explains why Obama is among the most flagrant violators of the constitution’s delineation of the war powers, the uncertainty of Gadhafi’s successors in Libya, if and when he is ousted, why Obama needs to wrap up Libya before election season starts while not having the political capital to send in ground troops to take Tripoli, and why the US is (hopefully) too busy to intervene in Syria or Pakistan.

06/09/11 – Philip Giraldi – The Scott Horton Show

Former CIA officer and Antiwar.com contributor Philip Giraldi discusses his new article “Target Iran,” the bogus RAND paper claiming Iran could have a nuke in months and somehow under the IAEA’s nose contrasted with Sy Hersh‘s New Yorker piece on the 2011 NIE, the Ha’aretz article showing more Israeli threats to attack Iran, which would draw in the U.S. timed before September to kill the bid for a Palestinian at the UN.

06/09/11 – Will Grigg – The Scott Horton Show

Will Grigg, blogger and author of Liberty in Eclipse, discusses the book Philip Dru: Administrator: A Story of Tomorrow by Col. Edward Mandell House (for which Will wrote the forward), the political operator behind Woodrow Wilson, the book’s proposal for a corporate-state co-administered government, which as House himself boasted “anticipated” Benito Mussolini’s fascist Italy, House’s legacy in the FRD administrations and modern Democratic and Republican parties, and Gabriel Kolko’s Triumph of...

06/09/11 – Robert P. Murphy – The Scott Horton Show

Robert P. Murphy, senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, discusses the skirting the US debt ceiling, which can continue for a few more months, the GOP's current pretensions of fiscal restraint, why a failure to raise the ceiling doesn't mean default is impending since spending could be cut or govt. assets sold, how missed payments to bond holders would bring a big increase in interest rates, as in greece; debt/gdp ratios and economic death spirals, and the Republicans who converted...

06/08/11 – Peter Van Buren – The Scott Horton Show

Peter Van Buren, former State Department Foreign Service Officer in Iraq, discusses his tomdispatch article “How Not to Withdraw from Iraq;” failing to win hearts and minds in Iraq, despite good intentions; how goodwill infrastructure projects like building schools and drinking water facilities were squandered in a money pit of graft and fraud; Hillary Clinton’s chance to play commander in chief of her own State Department mercenary army; and the two very different tiers of mercenaries...

06/08/11 – Paul Mutter – The Scott Horton Show

Paul Mutter, author of the article “The War Against al-Jazeera” at Foreign Policy in Focus, Sami al-Hajj, the journalist held for years in Guantanamo and questioned for intel on news gathering operations, WikiLeaks release of internal Gitmo documents on Hajj and where we’ve found ourselves after trading liberty for security for the last decade.

06/08/11 – Daphne Eviatar – The Scott Horton Show

Daphne Eviatar, Senior Associate in Law and Security for Human Rights First, discusses her recent report about the shoddy and lawless process for dealing with detainees at Bagram prison in Afghanistan, the secret JSOC prison nearby, the huge numbers of people swept up in night raids and the many at Bagram arrested on accusations from informers who use US to settle tribal/personal vendettas.

06/08/11 – Anand Gopal – The Scott Horton Show

Independent journalist Anand Gopal discusses the American creation of an unsustainable Afghanistan that’s guaranteed to collapse when US/NATO money stops flowing, anticipating the 2017 date when Afghan troops are trained and they can stand up (after 16 years!), the fact that US strategy still depends on warlords to compete for influence and power with Taliban, the deaths of Saleem Shahzad and Osama bin Laden, the coming major Taliban offensive this summer with spike in violence, and the fact...

06/07/11 – Robert Higgs – The Scott Horton Show

Robert Higgs, senior fellow at the Independent Institute and author of Crisis and Leviathan, discusses his cherished yet under-appreciated chapter 3 in Crisis and Leviathan, about the rational ideological motivation of collective action; beating back the pervasive myth that war stimulates and improves the economy; how the increase in US GDP following massive post-WWII cuts in government spending undermines Keynesian economic theory; and why there is no such thing as free money: government...

06/07/11 – Kelley B. Vlahos – The Scott Horton Show

Kelley B. Vlahos, featured Antiwar.com columnist and contributing editor for The American Conservative magazine, discusses her article “DoD Dodges Deadly Dust Data” about U.S Navy medical researcher Capt. Mark Lyles’s study of Iraq’s toxic dust; Iraq’s unique blend of naturally occurring heavy metals and bacteria with man made toxic burn pits and depleted uranium; the increase of neurological and respiratory illnesses among soldiers, without any definitive studies explaining why (because the...