02/16/12 – David Bromwich – The Scott Horton Show

David Bromwich, professor of literature at Yale University, discusses his article “Obama’s Drift Toward War With Iran;” the propaganda portraying Iran as an imminent threat to Israel and the US; Obama’s evolving Iran policy, from campaign promises of diplomacy to a doomed-to-fail “Single Roll of the Dice;” interventionist fantasies including non-invasion regime change and a Six-Day War repeat, where Iran’s nuclear program is bombed and set back years with no blowback; Dennis Ross’s surprising...

02/15/12 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

Gareth Porter, investigative historian and journalist specializing in U.S. national security policy, discusses his article about Lt. Col. Daniel Davis taking the Army to task for spreading propaganda: “Army Officer’s Leaked Report Rips Afghan War Success Story;” why it’s hard to tell if the military brass and the Obama administration are lying or just self-deluded about Afghanistan; how Iran’s deep-underground uranium processing facility at Fordo/Qom affects US and Israeli plans to “take out”...

02/15/12 – Pepe Escobar – The Scott Horton Show

Globetrotting journalist Pepe Escobar discusses allegations that Iranian assassins tried to kill Israelis in Bangkok, Thailand; why the amateurish operation, and Israel’s history of frame-ups, leads him to believe it was a false-flag attack; the strange bedfellows uniting behind the Syrian opposition, including the Arab League, US, NATO and Al Qaeda; why Syrian religious minorities and the “business class” still support the Assad government; why Patrick Cockburn is right about Syria’s...

02/15/12 – Jason Ditz – The Scott Horton Show

Jason Ditz, managing news editor at Antiwar.com, discusses Iraq’s dysfunctional central government, where the vice president is under threat of arrest and may have fled the country; why Iraqi Sunnis, who have almost no political representation, might return to violence and the brutal sectarian strife of 2006-2007; Egypt’s crackdown on US government-funded “pro-democracy” NGOs; and how a cutoff of US foreign aid to Egypt could scuttle the 1979 Camp David Accords.

02/07/12 – Corey A. Moore – The Scott Horton Show

Corey A. Moore, General Manager of RonPaulRadio.com, discusses the station's new programming schedule (including Antiwar Radio); promoting Ron Paul for president, in what may be our last chance to elect a real peace and liberty candidate; and how the government and Federal Reserve create financial bubbles that help incumbents get reelected and hurt ordinary Americans.

02/07/12 – Grant F. Smith – The Scott Horton Show

Grant F. Smith, director of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy in Washington, D.C., discusses his article “AIPAC Obtained Missile Secrets;” newly-declassified State Department documents about maverick estate-planning author Norman F. Dacey’s attempt to hold AIPAC accountable for leveraging classified information to scuttle an arms deal with Jordan in the 1970s; how these documents could help Steven J. Rosen’s defamation lawsuit against AIPAC; and why many of AIPAC’s functions...

02/06/12 – Katherine Hughes – The Scott Horton Show

Civil liberties activist Katherine Hughes discusses her article “Anatomy of a ‘Terrorism’ Prosecution: Dr. Rafil Dhafir and the Help the Needy Muslim Charity Case;” the 22-year prison sentence Dr. Dhafir received for defying the Iraq sanctions and sending food and medical aid to malnourished Iraqi civilians; shutting down Muslim charities as part of the War on Terror; and the growing gap between law and justice in America.

02/06/12 – Muhammad Sahimi – The Scott Horton Show

Muhammad Sahimi, Professor of Chemical Engineering and political columnist on Iran issues, discusses the latest anti-Iran talking point from World Net Daily and serial propagandist Reza Kahlili (“Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel“); what Alireza Forghani, the blogger in question, really said about Israel and preemptive strikes; and why many Americans want to believe every anti-Muslim propaganda piece they see.

02/06/12 – Chris Woods – The Scott Horton Show

Chris Woods, documentary producer and freelancer for The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, discusses his article “Obama terror drones: CIA tactics in Pakistan include targeting rescuers and funerals;” why these attacks qualify as state terrorism by any sensible definition; how the MSM enables government officials to smear their critics behind a veil of anonymity; the circumstantial evidence that former CIA Director Leon Panetta was responsible for the targeting of rescuers and funeral goers;...

02/03/12 – Jacob Hornberger – The Scott Horton Show

Jacob Hornberger, founder and president of the Future of Freedom Foundation, discusses “The War on Terrorism, the Constitution, and Civil Liberties” college speaking tour, featuring Jacob, Bruce Fein and Glenn Greenwald from February 6th-9th; the rising tide of Americans who refuse to trade liberty for “security,” 9/11 justification be damned; reasserting the legal and constitutional limitations on government power; and the slippery slope of War on Terror abuses, such that the indefinite...

02/03/12 – Flynt Leverett – The Scott Horton Show

Flynt Leverett, former Senior Director for Middle East Affairs at the National Security Council, discusses his article “Hype or Reality: Will Israel Attack Iran Before the U.S. Presidential Election;” Israel’s inability to cripple Iran’s nuclear enrichment facilities without putting boots on the ground; why the US may not join the fight if Iran’s response is limited and doesn’t result in American casualties; how Obama’s “feckless” style of leadership is failing to dissuade Bibi Netanyahu from...

02/02/12 – Adam Kokesh – The Scott Horton Show

Adam Kokesh discusses the Veterans For Ron Paul - March on the White House event on February 20th http://www.dailypaul.com/207032/february-20th-veterans-for-ron-paul-to-march-on-the-white-house; CNN's infamous live-feed cutout during an interview with Ron Paul supporter Cpl. Jesse Thorsen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Hfpt4sxpPo at the Iowa caucuses; and how the press minimizes Paul's military support (more donations than all other candidates combined, including Barack Obama).

02/02/12 – John Glaser – The Scott Horton Show

John Glaser, Assistant Editor at Antiwar.com, discusses why Russia will veto any UN Security Council resolution for “civilian protection” or “no fly zones” in Syria; US support for Arab Spring democratic revolutions – so long as the deposed government isn’t a close ally; how Syria presents a classic case for non-intervention; and how Iran’s supposed plot to assassinate a Saudi ambassador has returned to the news cycle, thanks to National Intelligence Director James Clapper.

02/02/12 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

Gareth Porter, investigative historian and journalist specializing in U.S. national security policy, discusses Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey’s warning to Israel’s government that the US would not be dragged into war with Iran by a unilateral Israeli attack; why Iran might hold the US accountable for an Israeli strike anyway, and counterattack US targets in the region; Mossad’s general agreement with the US National Intelligence Estimate on Iran (that there is no...

02/01/12 – Karen Kwiatkowski – The Scott Horton Show

Karen Kwiatkowski discusses her run for Congress in Virginia's 6th district against incumbent and SOPA co-author Bob Goodlatte; why companies battling piracy should consider changing their business models instead of paying Congress to write draconian legislation; how Ron Paul could beat Mitt Romney in Virginia's presidential primary; and Karen's pledge to abide by the Constitution, cut Congress's expensive perks, and make sure the law applies to government as well as the people.