10/31/12 – Bruce E. Levine – The Scott Horton Show

Bruce E. Levine, a clinical psychologist and author, discusses how TV makes Americans passive and accepting of authority; how producers use "technical events" to biologically attract a viewer's attention; the mental health issues and social isolation caused by watching television; and how the corporate state has essentially colonized Americans who cannot effect political change and feel helpless.

10/31/12 – Mel Frykberg – The Scott Horton Show

McClatchy Newspapers journalist Mel Frykberg discusses the September 11th attack on the US diplomatic mission in Benghazi and why it remains a hot-button election issue; the revenge-minded Misrata militias attacking in Bani Walid; the stumbling blocks preventing Libya from forming a viable central government; the al-Qaida linked militants moving back and forth across the Libya-Egypt border; the huge cache of missing Gaddafi-regime weapons; and why the West is mostly silent on human rights...

10/30/12 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

IPS News journalist Gareth Porter discusses his article "Pentagon Nixed 1998 U.S. Nuclear Scientists' Probe of Iranian Programme;" how successive US administrations have blocked or ignored information that disproves the "Iran is making nuclear weapons" propaganda; Dick Cheney's ironic and humorous anti-sanctions arguments in 1996 (while CEO of Halliburton); how the Bush administration knew for certain that Iraq did not have a nuclear program in 2003; and Gareth's upcoming book Manufactured...

10/30/12 – Jason Leopold – The Scott Horton Show

Truthout journalist Jason Leopold discusses his article about Adnan Latif's tragic and avoidable death in Guantanamo prison in September; why Latif should have been released years ago (and never imprisoned in the first place); the Yemeni government's refusal to claim Latif's body until the US reveals a cause of death - which is no longer assumed to be suicide; and how the Bush and Obama administrations, with help from the courts, have eviscerated habeas corpus and the Constitution.

10/29/12 – Hanan Salah – The Scott Horton Show

Hanan Salah of Human Rights Watch discusses HRW's report on how the CIA and UK Secret Service (in 2005-06) captured anti-Gaddafi "militants" living abroad, often tortured them, and sent them back to Gaddafi for further torture; the irony that many of these Libyans are in the new government and de facto allies of the US and NATO; evidence that the Bush administration lied about waterboarding being limited to the "big 3" 9/11 conspirators; other medieval US torture practices; new photographic...

10/29/12 – Leah Bolger – The Scott Horton Show

Leah Bolger, President of Veterans For Peace, discusses her trip to Pakistan with the CODEPINK delegation to witness the US drone war's effects; how the CIA has waged constant psychological warfare on civilians and fractured communal bonds in Waziristan; the lies told about drone "accuracy" by government and the media in the US and Pakistan; and why Americans generally don't care about the lives of people half a world away.

10/29/12 – Sheldon Richman – The Scott Horton Show

Sheldon Richman of the Future of Freedom Foundation discusses the merger of Israel's Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu parties; why it seems like all the Iran war talk was just to distract from the Palestine issue; how "facts on the ground" have made a two-state solution impossible; and proposals to change Israel's flag from a Jewish star to a symbol more befitting the diverse population. Scott Horton Interviews Sheldon Richman The Scott Horton Show October 29, 2012 Transcript Scott Horton:  All...

10/26/12 – Wendy McElroy – The Scott Horton Show

Wendy McElroy, a feminist, anarchist and author, discusses the media's focus on 14-year-old activist Malala Yousafzai, who was shot by Pakistani Taliban gunmen; why the mainstream press ignores the children regularly killed in US drone strikes; the government's success in hiding the consequences of war from Americans; arguments against the US's global policeman role; how "Paper Money = Despotism;" and the alternative currencies competing with the dollar (and how to spend them).

10/24/12 – Joey King – The Scott Horton Show

Joey King of Veterans for Peace discusses his organization's sponsorship of The Scott Horton Show; why veterans are an integral part of the antiwar movement; the upcoming protest against the School of the Americas (now WHINSEC) at Fort Benning, GA from November 16-18; and VFP's anti-recruitment efforts at schools.

10/24/12 – Cindy Sheehan – The Scott Horton Show

Peace activist Cindy Sheehan discusses her candidacy for vice president (with Roseanne Barr for president) on the Peace and Freedom party ticket; Cindy's potential run for governor of California in 2014; how the Democrats in the antiwar movement bailed after Obama's election; Cindy's new book Revolution, A Love Story; and how the US empire is committing financial suicide.

10/23/12 – John Glaser – The Scott Horton Show

Antiwar.com editor John Glaser discusses the presidential "debate" on foreign policy; Mitt Romney's inability to appear more hawkish than Obama; how both candidates trotted out long-ago-debunked lies to smear Iran and appease Israel; Obama's "don't call it nation-building" nation building; keeping US troops in Afghanistan at least 10 years beyond the 2014 withdrawal; Obama's chest-thumping on killing Osama bin Laden and crippling Iran's (civilian) economy; and why these debates have been...

10/23/12 – Daphne Eviatar – The Scott Horton Show

Daphne Eviatar of Human Rights First discusses alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's military commission hearings at Guantanamo (she blogs about them here); the government's censorship of court proceedings; the unclear rules and constitutionality of commissions; how federal civilian courts have been tougher on terrorists than military courts; and doubts about President Obama's pledge to end torture.

10/23/12 – Ann Ighe – The Scott Horton Show

Ann Ighe of the Freedom Flotilla Coalition discusses the latest attempt to break the Gaza blockade - this time on the Swedish ship Estelle; the Israeli Navy's heavy-handed seizure of the ship and arrest of activists in international waters; Israel's continuing collective punishment of Gazans for daring to elect Hamas in 2006; and how the activists onboard the Estelle conducted a public awareness campaign about Palestinians during their circuitous route to Gaza.

10/22/12 – Philip Giraldi – The Scott Horton Show

Philip Giraldi, executive director of the Council for the National Interest, discusses the upcoming session on Christian Zionism and Islamophobia in Washington D.C. on October 24th; the end-times religious extremists who unduly influence foreign policy and the Republican Party; debunking claims that Muslims are stuck in medieval times and have no yearning for democratic governance; and current events in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.

10/22/12 – Kelley Vlahos – The Scott Horton Show

Kelley Vlahos, a Washington D.C.-based freelance reporter, discusses the toxic open-air burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan; the dire health effects on US troops and veterans; the class-action lawsuit against Halliburton subsidiary KBR for failing to install proper incineration units; and the government's foot-dragging on every severe health issue effecting the military, from Agent Orange to Gulf War Syndrome.