10/27/17 Gareth Porter deconstructs Trump’s decision to decertify the Iran Deal

by | Oct 27, 2017 | Interviews

Gareth Porter returns to the show to discuss his latest article for The American Conservative “Trump Trashes Iran Deal to Satisfy Netanyahu.” Porter discusses Trump’s goal to convince Congress to pass new sanctions against Iran and explains why, even if the United States breaks the deal, Iran may have incentives to remain in the deal. Porter and Scott then take a trip back down memory road to the outset of the Iraq War and the role Iran played in helping push the U.S. gears into war. The two then consider the likelihood that Trump could push the U.S. into war with Iran and why, thankfully, it appears unlikely.

Gareth Porter is an investigative historian and journalist on the national security state and author of Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare. Follow him on Twitter @GarethPorter and listen to Gareth’s previous appearances on the Scott Horton Show.

Discussed on the show:

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