By Scott Horton Future of Freedom Foundation At the beginning of May the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET), a U.S.- and U.K.-government-financed organization that monitors various food crises around the world, released a new report detailing the horrific consequences of the Somali famine of 2011. According to FEWS NET, 'An estimated 4.6 percent of the total population and 10 percent of children under 5 died in Southern and Central Somalia [between October 2010 and April 2012.]'...
Stupidity or Plan?
By Scott Horton Future of Freedom Foundation Are America’s disasters abroad a result of stupidity or some elaborate plan? An observer of modern U.S. foreign policy can be torn on that one. It makes sense that generals, contractors, and other national-security state types will invent and follow a deliberate policy of divide and rule, as well as to create crises to move on to the next big job. But if one looks closely, it does begin to seem that perhaps narrow-minded, shortsighted stupidity is...
Reality Check: Iran is Not a Nuclear Threat
Forget the neoconservative hype. The facts show Iran is not and has not been a nuclear threat to either the United States or Israel. By Scott Horton Christian Science Monitor September 17, 2010 Politicians, lobbyists, and propagandists have spent nearly two decades pushing the lie that Iran poses a nuclear weapons threat to the United States and Israel. After a brief respite in the intensity of the wolf cries over the past two years, the neoconservative movement has decided to relaunch the...
Finding Ways to Stay in Iraq
by Scott Horton, March 05, 2009 Those who bought into the slogans "Hope" and "Change" last fall should have read the fine print. We were warned. Over and over during the campaign for the presidency Barack Obama made it clear that "withdrawal" from Iraq on his flexible 16-month timetable meant only the removal of "combat forces." He has also made it clear all along that "combat forces" means whatever he wants it to mean — until he decides to change his mind. At least he's honest. On...
The Revolution: A Manifesto
By Scott Horton April 21, 2008 Read this book! I’ve just finished Ron Paul’s The Revolution: A Manifesto, and am once again floored by Dr. Paul’s ability to identify the most important issues facing this country and explain their libertarian solutions in 'honest, direct language,' as George Carlin would say. In seven concise chapters, heavy with notable quotes from the founders, American historical figures, social researchers and Austrian economists, Dr. Paul destroys the myths...
The Revolution: A Manifesto
Read this book! I’ve just finished Ron Paul’s The Revolution: A Manifesto, and am once again floored by Dr. Paul’s ability to identify the most important issues facing this country and explain their libertarian solutions in “honest, direct language,” as George Carlin would say. In seven concise chapters, heavy with notable quotes from the founders, American historical figures, social researchers and Austrian economists, Dr. Paul destroys the myths of governmental benevolence and benefit on...
Ron Paul 2008!
by Scott Horton January 3, 2008 I want this man, Dr. Ron Paul, to be the president of the United States. Believe me, I’m not the type to go from one so-called leader to another pinning all my hopes on their greatness like some Deaniac. I don’t like politicians. I didn’t like Ann Richards. I don’t like Bush Jr. I didn’t like Ronald Reagan, I don’t like Bush’s dad and I don’t like Bill Clinton. I don’t like Dick Gephardt, Tom Daschle, Trent Lott, Newt Gingrich, Nancy...
Ron Paul 2008!
I want this man,Dr. Ron Paul, to be the president of the United States. Believe me, I'm not the type to go from one so-called leader to another pinning all my hopes on their greatness like some Deaniac. I don't like politicians. I didn't like Ann Richards. I don't like Bush Jr. I didn't like Ronald Reagan, I don't like Bush's dad and I don't like Bill Clinton. I don't like Dick Gephardt, Tom Daschle, Trent Lott, Newt Gingrich, Nancy what’s-her-name, John D. Rockefeller IV or bitch-ass Harry...
Why We Support Ron Paul for President
From Prof. David Beito, cowritten with Scott Horton The Volokh Conspiracy Voters who want more liberty and smaller government have only one realistic choice in the upcoming presidential race: Dr. Ron Paul. No other candidate comes close to matching his record. For more than three decades, he has consistently opposed spending, tax increases and burdensome regulation. Paul is perhaps the most dedicated defender of free trade in the history of American politics. For this reason, he votes against...
Ron Paul Is Correct About Pakistan
by David T. Beito and Scott Horton Liberty & Power David Beito Ph.D. is a member of the Liberty and Power Group Blog at the History News Network and Scott Horton is Assistant Editor at The conventional wisdom among presidential candidates is that the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has proved the importance of continued American meddling in that land. Both Republicans and Democrats are rushing to mumble incoherent platitudes before the cameras...
Why Ron Paul Is Right About Terrorism: A Letter to the GOP Base
by David T. Beito and Scott Horton November 28, 2007 "Policy toward Iraq is ... not designed to protect U.S. national security. It is instead a threat to our security because it may lead to war and loss of American lives, increase terrorism and certainly an additional expense for the U.S. taxpayer. The hyped rhetoric coming from Washington which describes Hussein as the only evil monster with which we must deal in the world is a poor substitute for wise counsel." ~ Rep. Ron...
Ron Paul: The Only Presidential Candidate to Challenge the American Empire
by David T. Beito and Scott Horton Liberty & Power David T. Beito is a member of the Liberty and Power group blog at the History News Network and Scott Horton is the host of Antiwar Radio in Austin, Texas and runs the blog Stress. Flying under the radar of mainstream media coverage, supporters of Dr. Ron Paul, a seventy-two year old ten-term congressman and obstetrician from Texas, have staged a political revolution. Despite little publicity, they have raised over $15 million, mostly in...
Saving England Wasn’t Worth It
By Scott Horton June 30, 2007 Editor's note: Assistant Editor Scott Horton wrote the following essay for the Oxford Forum, whose editors asked him to contribute a piece on the Anglo-American role in international conflict. Unfortunately, the Forum‘s editors completely rewrote the essay without Horton's permission, distorting its thesis beyond all recognition. It appears here in its full, original version. Most Americans can't believe that their government maintains an...
For Those Interested in Facts: They Hate Our Foreign Policy
By Scott Horton May 20, 2007 'There are a lot of things that are different now [that the U.S. occupies Iraq], and one that has gone by almost unnoticed — but it’s huge — is that ”¦ we can now remove almost all of our forces from Saudi Arabia. Their presence there over the last 12 years has been a source of enormous difficulty for a friendly government. It’s been a huge recruiting device for al-Qaeda. 'In fact if you look at bin Laden, one of his principle grievances was the...
Bush Continues to Serve Osama
by Scott Horton February 20, 2007 Everyone but the few remaining Republicans in this country understands that the purpose of the 9/11 attacks was to bait the U.S. into personally invading the Muslim World. Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri wanted to bog Americans down in the Afghan mountains and rally more Sunni radicals to their cause. They hoped against hope that the U.S. would overreach and invade their fourth and fifth worst enemies, Saddam Hussein and the Ayatollah...