Remember that goofball Anthony Gancarski who got fired from AWC because his articles were pointless and stupid when they weren’t putting Michael “Machiavelli’s Ghost” Ledeen on the side of truth, and who, upon his dismissal, immediately went and started writing for David Horowitz at the very pro-war FrontPageMag?
Well, he apparently decided he could shine up that reputation a little by slamming my man Jim Bovard and his new book Attention Deficit Democracy in the Washington Times. The review veers off course for this blogger early on:
“The book veers off course for this reviewer early on, as Mr. Bovard’s repeated insistence on describing the United States as a “democracy” is an oversimplification that borders on being a falsehood. As is commonly known, the United States is not a simple democracy, but a republic, rooted in the Constitution, with a democratic process.
“Mr. Bovard, as is the habit of many who share his leanings, invokes the “Founding fathers” in an attempt to vindicate his argument. But what Mr. Bovard leaves out is that these Founding fathers were suspicious of untrammelled democracy itself.”
I would have began with the heaping of ridicule right here, but Jim, sticking true to his individualist principles, has defended himself:
“I appreciate The Washington Times printing a review of my new book, “Attention Deficit Democracy” (“Finding American voters wanting?” Books, Sunday). The reviewer states that “what Mr. Bovard leaves out is that these Founding fathers were suspicious of untrammelled democracy itself.”
I am perplexed by this comment, since the book is chock-full of references to how the Founding Fathers sought to restrict government power in all forms:
- “The Founding Fathers did not share the contemporary adoration of democracy. The word ‘democracy’ was mentioned only twice in annual State of the Union messages between 1789 and 1900. But the word was invoked 189 times between 1901 and 2000” (page 231).
- “The Founding Fathers did not design a ‘Great Leader’ democracy. The ultimate principle of the American system of government is strict limits on the power of all branches of the federal government” (page 8 ).
- “The Founding Fathers issued warning after warning of the inherent danger of government power. John Adams wrote in 1772: ‘There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty’ ” (page 150).
- “The Founding Fathers believed that freedom would always be in danger from power