Kickstarter: YouTube Project

Please help to get all 3,600+ interviews posted to YouTube where more people can see/hear 'em. We need to raise $675! We've got two weeks to do it! Update: And you've done it. In less than one day. Ah jeez. Thanks very much you guys! I really appreciate it.

03/03/15 – Pat Buchanan – The Scott Horton Show

Patrick J. Buchanan, a political analyst and former Republican presidential candidate, discusses the paleo-conservative opposition to the 1991 Gulf War; current US policy on Iran, Syria and Iraq; the relatively peaceful 21st century (compared to the 20th); and why intervention in Ukraine is a bad idea.

03/03/15 – Reza Marashi – The Scott Horton Show

Reza Marashi, research director at the National Iranian American Council, discusses Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress, during which he attempted to derail an Iran nuclear deal and score political points for his re-election bid in two weeks.

03/02/15 – Sheldon Richman – The Scott Horton Show

Sheldon Richman, vice president of The Future of Freedom Foundation, discusses his article "The War of 1812 was the Health of the State;" the origins of American empire; and why libertarians often wear rose-colored glasses when they look back at the nation's founding.