01/05/15 – Jason Ditz – The Scott Horton Show

Jason Ditz, news editor for Antiwar.com, discusses the latest on the hack of Sony Pictures - which increasingly looks like an inside job, not the work of North Korean boogeymen; and why the US and Israeli governments are distressed about the Palestinian Authority's request to join the International Criminal Court.

01/04/15 – Reese Erlich – The Scott Horton Show

Reese Erlich, a freelance foreign correspondent and author of Inside Syria: the Backstory of Their Civil War and What the World Can Expect, discusses why the new Iraq War is doomed; how the Islamic State has ensured its own eventual destruction; and why war hawks shouldn't count on the US antiwar movement remaining dormant much longer. Erlich has a webpage - www.reeseerlich.com, and a Twitter account - @ReeseErlich

01/02/15 – Frank Ledwidge – The Scott Horton Show

Frank Ledwidge, author of Investment in Blood: The True Cost of Britain's Afghan War, discusses his laughable attempt to institute a justice system in Helmand province in southern Afghainstan, and why the military is terrible at building civil societies in conquered foreign countries.

01/02/15 – Mark Thornton – The Scott Horton Show

Mark Thornton, Senior Fellow at the Mises Institute, discusses the relation between oil prices and the world economy, and how Colorado's first year of marijuana legalization proves that ending drug prohibition doesn't mean criminals and teenagers will run wild in the streets.