08/06/14 – Jeff Kaye – The Scott Horton Show

Jeff Kaye, a psychologist and writer at Firedoglake, discusses his article "Obama Admits He Banned Only 'Some' of the CIA's Torture Techniques;" why the Senate Intelligence Committee won't release its 6000-page CIA torture report; and why President Obama would be impeached by now if he was a Republican.

08/06/14 – Dean Ahmad – The Scott Horton Show

Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad, President of the Minaret of Freedom Institute, discusses the important background information needed to properly understand the Israel-Palestine conflict, and why Jews have a right of return to Israel but Palestinians don't.

08/05/14 – Philip Giraldi – The Scott Horton Show

Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi discusses President Obama's admission that "we tortured some folks;" why Americans should be ashamed about the war on Gaza (and Syria); and how the Council for the National Interest fights back against the Israel lobby's undue influence on Congress.

08/04/14 – Stephen Zunes – The Scott Horton Show

Stephen Zunes, a professor of politics and chair of Middle Eastern Studies at the University of San Francisco, discusses Israel's "Hannibal protocol" that advocates killing Israeli soldiers rather than allowing them to be captured alive; the Geneva Conventions' definition of "human shields;" and how the US is rewriting the laws of war.