02/22/11 – Matt Barganier – The Scott Horton Show

Antiwar.com editor Matt Barganier discusses his job scouring the media for the most important news and views; reading the New York Times and Washington Post so you don’t have to; tips and encouragement for those trying to submit articles for publishing; and why it’s better to admit ignorance than claim omniscience like certain media “experts” who are always wrong.

02/22/11 – Sheldon Richman – The Scott Horton Show

Sheldon Richman, senior fellow at The Future of Freedom Foundation, discusses the opportunity to try George W. Bush for his war crimes; the equally solid case against Condi Rice and the Office of Legal Council lawyers; the Obama administration’s blindness to government crimes committed in the past; the heartening sight of tyrannical governments under pressure all over the Middle East; protesters in Libya daring to face down their military’s overwhelming firepower; and why MSNBC’s Chris...

02/22/11 – Michael Hastings – The Scott Horton Show

Journalist Michael Hastings, winner of the George Polk Award for his article “The Runaway General” in Rolling Stone magazine, discusses rumors that the military is pushing for 20 thousand troops to remain in Iraq beyond the December 2011 withdrawal deadline; the modest expectations for the July troop drawdown in Afghanistan; a preview of his next Rolling Stone article about generals spinning the Afghan War; and the starkly different accounts given by Hamid Karzai and Gen. Petraeus of an...

02/21/11 – Andy Worthington – The Scott Horton Show

Andy Worthington, author of The Guantanamo Files, discusses the end of whatever small chance there was of closing Guantanamo, though half the prisoners are cleared for release; the Obama administration’s continued moratorium on releasing Yemeni prisoners, based on political pressure dating from the 2009 Christmas Day attempted bombing; why the material support statute should give everyone pause, even those who don’t care about the plight of Guantanamo prisoners; and how the current SCOTUS...

02/21/11 – Will Grigg – The Scott Horton Show

Will Grigg, blogger and author of Liberty in Eclipse, discusses the connection between Federal Reserve monetary policy and increased food prices around the world; the unprecedented scope of US empire (and the correspondingly large payroll); the Jeffersonian, rather than jihadist, nature of protests in Egypt and beyond; the future of militarist oligarchic government, previewed in Madison, Wisconsin; and why all government unions should be abolished, starting with the police.

02/21/11 – Jonathan Landay – The Scott Horton Show

Jonathan S. Landay, national security and intelligence correspondent for McClatchy Newspapers, discusses the developments in Libya, where the state is losing control and increasing violence against protesters; how the government’s use of foreign mercenaries shows their loss of control over the regular army and security forces; the re-taking of Bahrain’s own “Tahrir” Square and how the massacre of protesters radicalized the demands of reformers; why every monarch and despot in the Mideast – and...

02/21/11 – Rashid Khalidi – The Scott Horton Show

Rashid Khalidi, author and professor of Middle East history and politics, discusses the spectacle of protesters from Morocco to Malaysia echoing the leaders of the American Revolution; how genuine reformist movements in Iran are undermined by US support; the endgame of US Mideast policy, where despotic client regimes were nurtured in the name of regional stability; the bravery of Libyan protesters who knew full well their government’s willingness and ability to use violence against them; the...

02/18/11 – Joe Lauria – The Scott Horton Show

Independent investigative journalist Joe Lauria discusses – live from Cairo – the throng of Egyptians re-filling Tahrir Square in celebration of Hosni Mubarak’s resignation; how Egypt’s constitutional reforms could be an early source of division among the protesters; the duplicitous post-WWII US foreign policy of supporting dictators while talking about “exporting democracy;” how Egypt’s broad-based and peaceful revolution undermines the terrorism and religious extremism of al-Qaeda; and how...

02/18/11 – Adam Morrow – The Scott Horton Show

This interview is excerpted from the KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles broadcast of February 18th. The original is available here. Adam Morrow, journalist with IPS News, discusses Egypt’s incredible, broad-based, non-”ism” (except nationalism), peaceful revolution; the endurance of Egypt’s decades-long Emergency Law and the many remaining Mubarak-appointed government ministers; the unheeded demands of protesters to release all political prisoners; the lack of women or Coptic Christians on the panel...

02/18/11 – Michelle Richardson – The Scott Horton Show

Michelle Richardson, Legislative Counsel for the ACLU’s Washington Legislative Office, discusses the status of various PATRIOT Act provisions due to expire; marginal but increasing Congressional opposition to the PATRIOT Act, much of it from GOP freshmen; why the worst civil liberties violating provisions – the “library act” and National Security Letters – should be ended immediately; evidence that the FBI is infiltrating and spying on domestic political activists in the guise of fighting...

02/18/11 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

Please excuse the technical difficulties that cut this interview a bit short. Gareth Porter’s article can explain any partially-answered questions. Gareth Porter, independent historian and journalist for IPS News, discusses US frustration with the Taliban’s highly effective IED attacks, which led to a change in strategy from house-to-house clearing to razing entire villages with airstrikes and bulldozers; problems with the official story, that Tarok Kalache residents abandoned their...

02/18/11 – Angela Keaton – The Scott Horton Show

Angela Keaton, Antiwar.com Development Director and Antiwar Radio producer, discusses the quarterly fund drive and reminds us how Antiwar.com remains vigilant 24/7 on the depredations of the state, especially its foreign policy. Individual donations average 45 dollars, so every little bit helps. Antiwar.com accepts credit cards, Paypal, XIPWIRE, old cars, gold, silver and, apparently, goats?!

02/17/11 – Jason Leopold – The Scott Horton Show

Jason Leopold, investigative reporter and Deputy Managing Editor of Truthout, discusses his interview with former Guantanamo detainee David Hicks; the deleterious effects of torture on victims, guards, writers and readers; Hicks’ soul-searching youth, conversion to Islam, and journey to Afghanistan; how Australian Prime Minister John Howard enlisted Dick Cheney’s help in getting a military commission indictment against Hicks, to help his reelection bid; and why a nine month plea deal isn’t the...

02/17/11 – Ray McGovern – The Scott Horton Show

Ray McGovern, member of Veterans For Peace and former senior analyst at the CIA, discusses his brief, nonviolent protest during Hillary Clinton’s GWU speech about US support for protesters and free speech in Egypt and Iran; McGovern’s violent removal and arrest by uniformed and plainclothes security that left him bruised and bloodied; and how Clinton didn’t even pause during the disruption to contemplate the incredible hypocrisy of her smug lecture to those awful undemocratic Mideast...