07/01/09 – Michael Scheuer – The Scott Horton Show

Michael Scheuer, former chief of the CIA's bin Laden unit and author of Marching Toward Hell: America and Islam After Iraq, discusses the government's reliance on CIA covert action instead of conventional military force to protect the U.S., how the Congress and President fail to take meaningful action because they seek the adulation of the media and Europe,  the wisdom in leaving Afghanistan ASAP and how Americans won't realize their government isn't protecting them until Osama bin Laden...

07/01/09 – Dilip Hiro – The Scott Horton Show

Dilip Hiro, author of the article 'The Clash of Islam and Democracy in Iran,' discusses the cyclical problems typical of aging revolutions, Iran’s younger generation that doesn’t remember the Shah, the history of the coup and revolution and the current democratic election protests.