07/31/09 – Michael Paterniti – The Scott Horton Show

Michael Paterniti, author of the article 'Never Forget' in GQ Magazine, discusses the Khmer Rouge’s four year reign of terror, Cambodia’s ongoing trials of Khmer regime crimes, the notoriously brutal S-21 death camp, the destruction of individuality including the banning of smiles in the Khmer Rouge’s anti-society and the U.S. bombing campaign in Cambodia initiated by Nixon.

07/31/09 – Jeremy Scahill – The Scott Horton Show

Jeremy Scahill, author of Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army, discusses the dwindling ranks of antiwar Democrats in Congress, the 'cruise missile' liberals that support war in Darfur without questioning the aims of U.S. imperialism, the mercenary surge accompanying the troop surge in Afghanistan, the history of bipartisan executive assassination programs and the 'birther' conspiracy theories that completely miss the point.

Antiwar Radio

Tuesday-Friday, 11am-3pm 95.9 FM in Austin, Texas or stream from KAOSRadioAustin.org or Antiwar.com/radio. Sundays, 2-3 Pacific 88.3 in Riverside, California or stream from KUCR.org.

07/30/09 – Antiwar Radio, Glenn Greenwald – The Scott Horton Show

Glenn Greenwald, former constitutional lawyer and current Salon.com blogger, discusses Washington’s treatment of the Constitution as a legal suggestion, why real patriots are civil liberties extremists, evolving Democratic excuses for not prosecuting Bush administration war crimes and how governmental powers 'temporarily' increased during emergencies never fully recede.

07/30/09 – Eric Stoner – The Scott Horton Show

Eric Stoner, freelance journalist based in New York, discusses the use of nonviolence to force political changes, the decline in the antiwar movement after Obama's election, the need for more creative and assertive protests, the replacement of soldiers with remote controlled robots and why there is no such thing as a humanitarian war.

07/29/09 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

Gareth Porter, independent historian and journalist for Inter Press Service, discusses the Iraqi government's more aggressive stance on the Mujahedin-e Khalq, how the Bush administration's wishful thinking and ignorance guaranteed a disastrous Iraq policy, the de-emphasis of the MEK's Islamic Marxism in U.S. Congress lobbying efforts and the political scheming behind the Iraq/U.S. Status of Forces Agreement.

07/29/09 – Robert P. Murphy – The Scott Horton Show

Robert P. Murphy, senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute and author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism and The Politically Incorrect Guide to The Great Depression and the New Deal, discusses modern warfare dependent on central bank money creation, Austrian economic theory entering mainstream vocabulary, the FED's argument against a congressional audit, the consumer-driven economic theory that misses the production component, a new era of stagflation coming.

07/28/09 – Juan Cole – The Scott Horton Show

Juan Cole, author of Engaging the Muslim World, discusses the origin and meaning of the Taliban, the conflicting messages Obama and the U.S. military give on why staying in Afghanistan is a good idea, the benefits of an 'Egypt solution' billion dollar yearly payoff to stabilize and allow withdraw from Afghanistan and the Taliban’s low popular support and territorial control.

07/28/09 – Pepe Escobar – The Scott Horton Show

Pepe Escobar, writer for the Asia Times, discusses the Pentagon’s 'arc of instability' that follows the same path as a potential Western-dominated oil pipeline, how U.S. aggression abroad has united Russia, China and Iran, the internal economic-fueled strife in China and Joe Biden’s wacky rant against Russia.

Original Pin…head

Joe Buck's over siliconed ding bat daughter is at it again. Even celebrity sites are not safe from the Voight family commitment to neo-conservative propaganda. Skip the article and move straight to the video then contemplate the role of the artist as courageous teller of truths.

07/24/09 – David Vine – The Scott Horton Show

David Vine, author of Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia, discusses the post-WWII origin of the Diego Garcia military base, how the native Chagossian population — descended from slaves and indentured servants from French colonial times — was forcibly relocated 1200 miles away to Mauritius, the numerous other incidents of displaced native populations in U.S. history and how Diego Garcia is becoming a hub for the U.S. empire's global tentacles.