11/14/07 – Larisa Alexandrovna – The Scott Horton Show

RawStory's managing news editor Larisa Alexandrovna discusses the recent Israeli attack on Syria, the War Party's many versions of what happened, U.S. and Israeli refusal to cooperate with the IAEA's investigation, Iran's cooperation with the IAEA, a leak to her saying the war is in motion and cannot be stopped, Cheney's hatred for the CIA, possible ulterior motives for the outing of Valerie Plame and the Sibel Edmonds case's ties to the AIPAC trial and a tangled web of espionage, politics and...

Sibel Edmonds Case: the untellable AIPAC Case, part 2.

In my recent post, "Sibel Edmonds Case: the untellable story of AIPAC," I made the case that the so-called 'AIPAC Case' - the trial of Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman - is only the tip of the iceberg. Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds wants to tell us what she knows about various criminal and treasonous activities that she became aware of that involve high level US officials, the embassies of Israel and Turkey, and lobbying groups associated with those two countries - primarily AIPAC and the...

The Show

for today: Dr. Gordon Prather. Listen live from 11-1 Central at KAOS959.com - 92.7, 95.9 FM in Austin.

11/13/07 – Gordon Prather – The Scott Horton Show

Gordon Prather continues the discussion on Iran’s nuclear program, the recent attack on IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei by John 'Bonkers Bolton,' speculation that the neocons outed Plame in order to destroy the CIA’s monitoring of Iranian nuclear black market operations, Cheney’s suppression of the Iran National Intelligence Estimate for over a year, the fact that Iran was not obligated to tell the IAEA about the things they were keeping secret, how Bolton and the neocons unraveled the Agreed...

11/13/07 – Chris Floyd – The Scott Horton Show

Chris Floyd, author of Empire Burlesque, the blog and the book, discusses the new government of Gordon Brown in Great Britain, his position on war with Iran, the specious relationship between the US and UK and Saudis, the War Party's bogus accusations about Iran's nuclear program and sabotage of any effort to work things out, the win-win position of the neo-mercantilists in the event of war, depression, etc., the death of the republic, end of the empire, and rise of the domestic police state,...

John “Got Milk?” Bolton Smears ElBaradei As Iran Apologist

Says ’Even A Stopped Clock Is Right Twice A Day’ Two weeks ago, Mohamed ElBaradei, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said on CNN that an attack on Iran would ‘lead absolutely to disaster.’ He added that there is no evidence of a ‘concrete, active nuclear weapon program’ going on inside Iran.

We’re no Ron Paul

But we do try real hard to spread the message of peace and liberty. It's fundraising time at Antiwar.com. Why not chip in a little? Update: Actually, we are Ron Paul also.

The Show

for today: Talking about things. Listen live from 11-1pm Texas time at KAOS959.com. Call in number: 512-646-6446.

Americans must forget about privacy -says deputy director of national intelligence

WASHINGTON (AP) -- As Congress debates new rules for government eavesdropping, a top intelligence official says it is time that people in the United States change their definition of privacy. Donald Kerr, principal deputy director of national intelligence, said wants Americans to redefine privacy. Privacy no longer can mean anonymity, says Donald Kerr, the principal deputy director of national intelligence. Instead, it should mean that government and businesses properly safeguard people's...

U.S. tightening the screws on Iran…

Iraqi fighters ’grilled for evidence on Iran’ Interrogator says US military seeks evidence incriminating Tehran David Smith in Baghdad Sunday November 11, 2007 The Observer US military officials are putting huge pressure on interrogators who question Iraqi insurgents to find incriminating evidence pointing to Iran, it was claimed last night. Micah Brose, a privately contracted interrogator working for American forces in Iraq, near the Iranian border, told The Observer that information on Iran...

A glimmer of hope against tyranny…

Federal judge bars Army retrial of officer who refused Iraq War By Jeff Paterson, Courage to Resist. November 11, 2007 Civilian federal Judge Benjamin Settle blocked the Army’s plans for a second court-martial of prominent Iraq War military resister First Lieutenant Ehren Watada. Judge Settle’s preliminary ruling last Thursday found that a retrial would violate Lt. Watada’s Fifth Amendment protections against being tried for the same crime twice—known as double jeopardy. read on:...