04/18/07 – Andrew Cockburn pt.2 – The Scott Horton Show

Antiwar Radio Exclusive: Revealed by Andrew Cockburn April 18, 2007: When Secretary of State Madeline Albright announced, on March 26, 1997, that Iraqi sanctions would stay in place despite the UN inspectors success it was an effort to preempt UN inspection chief Ralf Ekeus's pending announcement that Iraq was to be certified "free" of "weapons of mass destruction." (at 22:40) This, as Cockburn explains, led Saddam to decide there was no further point in allowing the inspectors access to his...

04/18/07 – Mike McNulty – The Scott Horton Show

Mike McNulty, producer of Waco: The Rules of Engagement, Waco: A New Revelation and The FLIR Project explains the proof of his contention that the U.S. Army Delta Force (Combat Applications Group) was sent by Bill and Hillary Clinton to Waco and how they helped the FBI Hostage Rescue Team mass murder 86 men, women and children in broad daylight, in front of everybody, live on TV, call it a suicide and get away with it.

Antiwar Radio: Juan Cole

Professor Juan Cole explains the splits and similarities inside the Shi'ite political factions in Iraq, the recent Sadr-inspired protests, accusations that Sadr is the tool of Iran, how our government lies when they blame American deaths on Iran-backed militias, tensions between the governments of Kurdistan and Turkey and the ability of local powers to work out their own problems.

Antiwar Radio: Glenn Greenwald

Former Constitutional lawyer and author Glenn Greenwald discusses the constitutional limits on the President's war powers, the sad history of the government's lack of compliance with these rules, the radical and totalitarian impulse of our neoconservatives today, the neocon/Federalist Society's bogus "Unitary Executive theory," Rudy Giuliani's embrace of the idea of unlimited power for himself and the new peace and freedom realignment of the liberal left, paleo-right and libertarians.

The Show

for today: Juan Cole on the Iraqi Shi'ites, Glenn Greenwald on Bush's war powers, Padilla, the man who declined to be the War Czar in the Post and your phone calls on the Virginia Tech massacre. Stream it live at KAOS959.com from 11am-1pm Texas time. Call in number (512)-646-6446 Rest of the show.

Idiocracy and the Therapeutic Corporate State

I have to hand it to Scott. I loved this movie that he kept nagging me to watch. Idiocracy takes place five centuries into the future, in a United States where Americans are idiots from dozens of generations of the least intelligent people breeding the most and the most intelligent being too cautious and responsible with their life choices to catch up in their own reproduction. Written and directed by the great Mike Judge (Beavis and Butthead, Office Space), it stars Luke Wilson and Maya...

04/17/07 – Glenn Greenwald – The Scott Horton Show

Former Constitutional lawyer and author Glenn Greenwald discusses the constitutional limits on the President's war powers, the sad history of the government's lack of compliance with these rules, the radical and totalitarian impulse of our neoconservatives today, the neocon/Federalist Society's bogus "Unitary Executive theory," Rudy Giuliani's embrace of the idea of unlimited power for himself and the new peace and freedom realignment of the liberal left, paleo-right and libertarians.

04/17/07 – Juan Cole – The Scott Horton Show

Professor Juan Cole explains the splits and similarities inside the Shi'ite political factions in Iraq, the recent Sadr-inspired protests, accusations that Sadr is the tool of Iran, how our government lies when they blame American deaths on Iran-backed militias, tensions between the governments of Kurdistan and Turkey and the ability of local powers to work out their own problems.

The Liberated Space for April, all activism all the time

April 17: Shane Cory tells all. And, yes, he will take calls. Tuesday, 2:30 Pacific! Available Now: April 5: The men of Rockthedebates.org are going to ruin everything for the establishment parties. SMiles Lewis guest hosts. Coming Up: April 24: Talk Radio Titan Ernie Hancock and Rules for Radicals, Libertarian Style. Next Tuesday, 2:30 Pacific April 19: Jason Talley of Bureaucrash will insure that the revolution will be just about everywhere. Thursday, 4:30.

Antiwar Radio: call in the show

No guests today, just you. You have things to type out loud? Questions for me? Here's your chance: 11am - 1pm central on Radio KAOS 95.9 and 92.7 FM in Austin, Texas. (512) 646-6446 Stream it live here: http://www.kaos959.com/ Seriously, call the dang show, would ya?

New Stickers!!!

I haven't plugged these in a while, so here, buy them: I've sent in about 30 more than this, so hopefully they'll be up there soon.

Antiwar Radio: Behzad Yaghmaian

Behzad Yaghmaian, discusses the history of American regime change in Iran, the tyranny of the American puppet, the Shah Pahlavi and his brutal SAVAK, the tyranny of the Ayatollahs who took his place, why American ‘help’ hurts reformers and fears that if Bush bombs them the repercussions for millions of people all over the world will be disastrous. Rest of the show.