Jesse Trentadue, attorney and brother of Kenneth Trentadue (who was probably tortured and killed by FBI agents mistaking him for Richard Lee Guthrie – a.k.a. John Doe No. 2 – in the wake of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing), discusses the new book Oklahoma City: What the Investigation Missed-and Why It Still Matters by Andrew Gumbel and Roger Charles; the June 15th court deadline for the FBI to explain why the Murrah Building surveillance tapes are missing; allegations that FBI agents tried to...
12/27/11 – Jesse Trentadue – The Scott Horton Show
Jesse Trentadue, attorney and brother of Kenneth Trentadue (who was probably tortured and killed by FBI agents mistaking him for Richard Lee Guthrie – a.k.a. John Doe No. 2 – in the wake of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing), discusses Attorney General Eric Holder’s role (as Deputy AG during the Clinton administration) in quashing Senator Orrin Hatch’s planned hearing on Kenneth’s death; the foreknowledge of the Oklahoma City bombing by the FBI and DOJ; the FBI’s “Patriot Conspiracy” (PATCON)...
April 19 – Today on Antiwar Radio
Listen Live from 9:00 AM PT – 12:00 AM PT or
Jesse Trentadue, Tom Woods, Anthony Gregory
Antiwar Radio 3/30/10
Jesse Trentadue and Will Grigg 11-1 95.9 in Austin or stream from
03/30/10 – Jesse Trentadue – The Scott Horton Show
Jesse Trentadue discusses the journey from investigating his brother’s 'suicide' in federal custody to finding the truth about the Oklahoma City bombing, a recent court setback on FOIA requests that nevertheless revealed CIA involvement in the prosecutions of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, why the FBI must have had foreknowledge of the bombing, security video of the Murrah Building that is suspiciously edited or withheld, current Attorney General Eric Holder’s personal involvement in...
12/05/08 – Jesse Trentadue – The Scott Horton Show
Jesse Trentadue discusses the the events surrounding the 1995 murder of his brother while in federal custody in Oklahoma City and the connection to the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, the Elohim City paramilitary camp sting operation run by the FBI and Southern Poverty Law Center, foreknowledge of FBI agents and complicity of FBI informants in the bombing, the ongoing court battles with the U.S. government over FOIA requests and civil lawsuits and the involvement of Obama's...