A Great Start

by | Jan 23, 2009 | Stress Blog | 5 comments

Sure Ron Paul would have done much more and much better, but I gotta hand it to the new emperor, his first day of executive orders banned torture, rescinded all memos regarding prisoner treatment written since 9/11/01, mandated an immediate return to Common Article III of the Geneva Convention, closed the CIA ghost prisons and granted access to the Red Cross, closed Guantanamo Bay, mandated a halt to the military commissions and instructed the job-holders to come up with a way to put actual terrorists on trial in U.S. federal courts while letting the rest of the innocent go free, and he’s ordered the DoJ to review the al-Marri case (he’s the legal resident arrested in Peoria and turned over to the Navy for indefinite torture/imprisonment, Padilla-style).

If I didn’t know what a horrible president Obama has already promised to be, I’d actually like him right now.

Okay Barack, if there is, in fact, such a thing as the law, you know what you have to do.

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