Each month, for less than the price of a movie ticket, Liberty Classroom gives you access to stimulating, thought-provoking lectures and discussions on the key ideas of libertarianism, capitalism, and free-market economics.


Lectures range from 30 to 55 minutes. Each one is available as an mp3 audio file you can download to your iPod or iPad, or — even easier — listen to via our Liberty Classroom app (for iPhone and Android)!



Every single audio lecture is available as a video as well, so you can watch the professors deliver their talks on your screen, usually with PowerPoints and other visuals. You get access to both the audio and video versions of every course.

Additional Reading

In addition to the dozens of audio and video lectures, Liberty Classroom also provides recommended reading lists that take the guesswork out of your reading choices when you want to explore topics more in depth.


For the Whole Family

Plus, your membership privileges are not restricted to you alone. Liberty Classroom can give your children a head start in understanding the principles and politics of freedom and free enterprise – and teach them things they won’t learn in high school or college.

Introducing Liberty Classroom


is the New York Times bestselling author of 12 books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, Meltdown (on the financial crisis, featuring a foreword by Ron Paul), 33 Questions About American History You’re Not Supposed to Ask, and Real Dissent: A Libertarian Sets Fire to the Index Card of Allowable Opinion.

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