03/29/07 – James Bovard – The Scott Horton Show

James Bovard discusses the U.S. attorney scandal, his hopes that more criminal activity will be revealed when Gonzales is forced out, Gonzales and Bush’s obstruction of the DoJ’s NSA wiretapping probe, Bush’s secret executive order...

The Speech that Won Angela Keaton her seat on the LNC

Good morning, my name is Angela Keaton. When Ernie Hancock asked me to second his nomination, I asked him the inevitable question, “What would you like me to say?” He said, “Talk about yourself.” I think what he meant was speak from the gut,...

Six Branch Davidians to be Set Free

From Brian Doherty at Reason: “On the 13th anniversary, yesterday, of one of the most vivid public government atrocities in our lifetime, the federal assault on and destruction of the Branch Davidians’ home in Waco, the good (though inadequate) news comes...

You’re it

I’ve been tagged by Anthony Gregory. Here ya’ll are: Four jobs I’ve had: Cab Driver Radio Host Foreign Policy Advisor to Badnarik Campaign 2004 Assistant Editor for Antiwar.com Four movies I can watch over and over: The Empire Strikes Back I’m...

Maniacs on Pedestals

by Scott Horton Antiwar.com July 02, 2005 ‘[B]y false interpretations, and naked usurpations, the government has been made in practice a very widely, and almost wholly, different thing from what the Constitution itself purports to authorize. ”¦ But whether the...

Man, Technology and State

By Scott Horton Antiwar.com February 27, 2005 It’s clear at this point in the history of our nation that the national government is not limited in any serious way by the restrictions placed upon it in the Constitution. The limited republic envisioned by the founders...

04/19/03 – V.Z. Lawton – The Scott Horton Show

Philip Dru interviews V.Z. Lawton, a survivor of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and a member of the Oklahoma City Bombing Investigation Committee, about his experience, and more about that case. Audio Stream MP3 Link The following is an automatically generated...