08/06/12 – Adam Morrow – The Scott Horton Show

Adam Morrow, Egypt reporter for IPS News Service, discusses the recent raid on the Israeli border, speculation about the official and possible other explanations, the fortunes of the new president Morsi and the military's relationship with the U.S..

08/06/12 – Daniel Ellsberg – The Scott Horton Show

Daniel Ellsberg, heroic liberator of the Pentagon Papers and author of the memoir Secrets, discusses the U.S. government's use of nuclear weapons against Japanese civilians in World War II, the fake "Missile Gap" with the Soviets of the late 50s-early 60s, and the dire consequences for all of humanity from any nuclear war. Transcript here.

Tom Woods’s Liberty Classroom

Check out all the awesome content here: The history of the United States and Western Civilization, in two sections each, and a full course in Austrian economics, along with complete access to Tom Woods and his assembled experts. This is an awesome deal. Yes, I'm cynically schilling for a friend, but also, yes I am stoked on this project. As soon as possible, I mean to sign up myself.

The Scott Horton Show 8/03/12

Today on The Scott Horton Show - Listen Live - Tom Woods will be on to discuss the film, The Bubble, based on his book Meltdown. Professor David Bromwich will be on to discuss his latest article, dealing with the meeting of Romney with Netanyahu. The Scott Horton Show airs 12-3 PM EST. Want to get involved? Listen Live.  Join the conversation. Become a fan of the show on Facebook. Follow Scott on Twitter. Watch Scott on YouTube. Donate to the show here: http://scotthorton.org/donate/

08/03/12 – Ramzy Baroud – The Scott Horton Show

Ramzy Baroud, author of My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story, discusses his article "The Afghanistan of Africa" at CounterPunch, about the consequences of the Libya War for the people of neighboring Mali, and the empire-usurped revolution in Syria.

08/03/12 – Thomas E. Woods Jr. – The Scott Horton Show

Thomas E. Woods Jr., author of Meltdown: A Free-Market Look at Why the Stock Market Collapsed, the Economy Tanked, and Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse: ... discusses his new film The Bubble Fim, the great Austrian school economists who are right about everything and make up the cast, and Tom's incredible new Liberty Classroom.  

The Scott Horton Show 8/02/12

Today on The Scott Horton Show - http://lrn.fm/- The Cato Institute's Doug Bandow will be on to discuss tensions between the Pentagon and China; Michael Boldin - of the 10th Amendment Center - will be on to talk about Paul Krugman and Nullification; journalist Stephen Elsberry will discuss regime change and Iran; and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern will be on to talk about the Persian Gulf Incident. Listen live at: http://lrn.fm/. Join the conversation here: http://scotthorton.org. Donate...

08/02/12 – Ray McGovern – The Scott Horton Show

Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern discusses Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity's recent memorandum to the president recommending the installation of a U.S.-Iranian hotline in order to create an avenue to help avoid war, and why one antiwar veteran intelligence analyst refused, saying it was too late to prevent war now.