09/08/10 – Matthew Harwood – The Scott Horton Show

Washington DC-based writer Matthew Harwood discusses the RAND Corporation’s study — commissioned by the Army War College — that recommends a hybrid 'Stability Police Force' to supplement U.S. military actions abroad, the placement of non-deployed SPF 'police' in the U.S. Marshal’s Service to avoid conflicts with the Posse Comitatus Act, the blurred line between rules of engagement for the military and civilian police and how the addition of yet another tool for foreign intervention effectively...

09/07/10 – Winslow T. Wheeler – The Scott Horton Show

Winslow T. Wheeler, Director of the Straus Military Reform Project, discusses the Pentagon's trillion dollar budget, rapidly increasing costs that have delayed much-needed repairs/replacements of aging military equipment, the post-9/11 rejuvenation of incompetent Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and how construction of new Virginia-class submarines is spread out in the interest of inefficiency and Congressional pork.

09/07/10 – Michael German – The Scott Horton Show

Michael German, Policy Counsel for the ACLU's Washington Legislative Office and former FBI Special Agent, discusses FBI management's rigorous attention to public relations and persecution of internal whistleblowers, broad 9/11 intelligence failures across all agencies, the unnecessary division of FBI functions into a semi-transparent and accountable criminal justice half and a completely unaccountable intelligence half, the high conviction rate of terrorism prosecutions in federal courts and...

09/06/10 – Kathy Kelly – The Scott Horton Show

Kathy Kelly, co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence (a campaign to end U.S. military and economic warfare), discusses the 'Creech 14' activists awaiting trial for protesting U.S. military drone strikes in AfPak, the obligation of citizens to speak out against government breeches of international law and why targeted assassinations create more security problems than they solve.

09/06/10 – Michael O’Brien – The Scott Horton Show

Michael O'Brien, author of America's Failure in Iraq, discusses the media's focus on troop escalations while ignoring the larger private contractor surges, the ease of starting wars and keeping them going since Congress abdicated its Constitutional responsibility, the inexcusable failures of the Coalition Provisional Authority and Paul Bremer, the primary purposes of contractors in Iraq: generate billable hours and stay alive, the critical questions not asked in the Fox News poll about U.S....

09/03/10 – Eric Margolis – The Scott Horton Show

Eric Margolis, foreign correspondent and author of War at the Top of the World and American Raj, discusses the appalling lack of knowledge displayed by the U.S. occupation forces in Afghanistan, how Americans are too uneducated and impatient to rival the British Empire's colonial skills, the problem with exporting democracy to Muslim countries whose people are more concerned with justice, economic advisers hard at work making Afghanistan's banks as insolvent as America's and how...

09/03/10 – Scott Horton – The Scott Horton Show

The Other Scott Horton (no relation), international human rights lawyer and contributing editor at Harper's magazine, discusses spreading American ideas through education instead of with bombs, democratic growing pains (or death throes) in the Kyrgyz Republic, how the wide ideological divisions in the Cold War have since converged in a mash-up of state capitalism and authoritarianism, the strident nationalism of Vladimir Putin and Dick Cheney and why a one-world government is not a realistic...

09/03/10 – Josh Ruebner – The Scott Horton Show

Josh Ruebner, National Advocacy Director of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, discusses burning his Israeli military deferment papers in protest, reasons to be skeptical of the newest attempt at Israel-Palestinian peace talks, the unfair foundation for negotiations that requires equal concessions from drastically unequal partners, why the U.S. never uses its substantial leverage to influence Israel’s policy and how the 500,000 West Bank settlers may have established enough 'facts...

09/03/10 – Will Grigg – The Scott Horton Show

Will Grigg, author of Liberty in Eclipse, discusses the consequence of successfully resisting law enforcement: escalation of state violence until you are destroyed, cop priorities that place self preservation far ahead of 'protect and serve,' the double standards of when a taser gun is considered a deadly weapon and why it is no longer a source of pride for a cop never to have drawn his firearm.

09/02/10 – Patrick Cockburn, Michael Hastings and Andy Worthington – The Scott Horton Show

These interviews are excerpted from the KPFK broadcast of September 2nd. The entire show can be heard here. Patrick Cockburn, Middle East correspondent for The Independent, discusses the embarrassing performance of what was supposed to be an impressive display of U.S. military power in Iraq, the bitter sectarian divide remaining from Iraq’s civil war of 2006-07 and why Kurdish autonomy my be preferable to true independence in the short term. Michael Hastings (audio begins at 19:30), author of...

09/02/10 – Anthony Gregory – The Scott Horton Show

Anthony Gregory, Editor in Chief of Campaign for Liberty, discusses his article 'The Persistence of Red-State Fascism' that recalls Lew Rockwell’s 2004 groundbreaking original, how 9/11 removed the last vestiges of libertarian anti-statism from the Republican Party, why the Left should be as obsessive about the entire Bill of Rights as conservatives are about the 2nd Amendment and how war is the state power most diametrically opposed to libertarianism.

09/02/10 – Michael Scheuer – The Scott Horton Show

Michael Scheuer, 22-year veteran of the CIA and former head analyst at the CIA's bin Laden unit, discusses the mostly-unknown motivation for 9/11: bin Laden's 1996 fatwa, the U.S. media's Israel bias that prevents them from explaining the link between terrorism and foreign policy, the 14 missed chances to kill bin Laden from 1998 to 2001 including the Tora Bora escape, why Gen. Petaeus's political ambition and Obama's face-saving guarantee that the failed Afghan War will muddle on, Pakistan's...

09/01/10 – Aaron Glantz – The Scott Horton Show

Aaron Glantz, author of The War Comes Home: Washington's Battle against America's Veterans, discusses the U.S. media's eager participation in selling the Iraq War and hyping Colin Powell's infamous U.N. presentation, how Obama made good on troop reductions but is too quick to claim credit for the war's end, increased funding for the VA that has improved care somewhat, the betrayal of soldiers who have killed and died for a war based on lies and how service dogs are used to reduce the epidemic...

09/01/10 – Jason Ditz and Kelley B. Vlahos – The Scott Horton Show

Antiwar.com’s Jason Ditz and Kelley B. Vlahos discuss Obama’s substitution of meaningless buzzwords for unpleasant truths in his 'Operation Iraqi Freedom is over' speech, the media’s fixation on Iraq’s 'cell phone index' to measure progress while ignoring water and electricity shortages, why nobody bothers to mention that Iraqi politics are dominated by Shia fundamentalists and how the Iraqi Army State Department will step up as the Pentagon stands down.

09/01/10 – Mike Gogulski – The Scott Horton Show

Mike Gogulski, founder of the Bradley Manning Support Network, discusses the successful legal-defense fundraising effort that has landed attorney David Coombs, substantial monetary pledges from Michael Moore and WikiLeaks and the establishment of a mail delivery agreement with the Quantico brig so Manning can read the letters from his many supporters.