Scott’s collection of Oklahoma City Bombing Clips

(Please pardon any redundancies.)

03/31/10 – Malou Innocent – The Scott Horton Show

Malou Innocent, Foreign Policy Analyst at the Cato Institute, discusses conservative opposition to the Afghanistan War, how US overreaction to minor threats creates real national security problems, the current logistical impossibility of nation-building in Afghanistan, the backlash against the Liz Cheney/Bill Kristol 'al-Qaeda 7' ad and the hypocrisy of conservatives who despise government social engineering at home but support it abroad.

03/31/10 – Leslie Lefkow – The Scott Horton Show

Leslie Lefkow, senior researcher for Human Rights Watch's Africa division, discusses the regional and international meddling in Somalia, why the US singles out Eritrea for interfering, ongoing urban warfare in Mogadishu, the difficulty of dispensing humanitarian aid and the horrible humanitarian situation.

03/30/10 – Will Grigg – The Scott Horton Show

Will Grigg, author of Liberty in Eclipse, discusses the federal crackdown on the Michigan 'Christian militia,' the fundamentally anti-American nature of sedition laws, the domestic origins of ostensibly military tactics like 'clear and hold' and why anything resembling a militia is likely to be infiltrated with informants and agent provocateurs.

03/30/10 – Jesse Trentadue – The Scott Horton Show

Jesse Trentadue discusses the journey from investigating his brother’s 'suicide' in federal custody to finding the truth about the Oklahoma City bombing, a recent court setback on FOIA requests that nevertheless revealed CIA involvement in the prosecutions of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, why the FBI must have had foreknowledge of the bombing, security video of the Murrah Building that is suspiciously edited or withheld, current Attorney General Eric Holder’s personal involvement in...

How Much You Wanna Bet?

I'm gambling that it will turn out these right-wing idiots were put up to whatever they were doing by an undercover cop or informant. Joint Terrorism Task Force: Not just for use against innocent Muslims anymore... Update: Indictment here. [.pdf] Update: MSNBC says the groups of kooks had been infiltrated for "several months" before the arrest. Update: Toldya.

CIA: How to Bullshit People Into Supporting War

Are you struggling with a population reluctant to send their sons off to murder people and perhaps get exploded in someone else's campaign of imperial aggression? Are there brave, patriotic Michael New types in your country who refuse to fight under the flag of another power? Well, just tell them it's for the good of the women-folk and that they could get killed by terrorists at home if they don't fight them "over there." Sound familiar? Well, it's the CIA manual on how to keep the French and...

03/26/10 – Stan Hemry – The Scott Horton Show

Stan Hemry, member of the Arizona Counter-Recruitment Coalition, discusses the private information made available to military recruiters through the No Child Left Behind Act, the best way to limit access to student records and opt-out of aggressive recruitment, the effective tactics of counter-recruitment and the role Gen. Stanley McChrystal played in the manipulation of Pat Tillman's image and the coverup of his death.

03/26/10 – Glenn Greenwald – The Scott Horton Show

Glenn Greenwald, former constitutional lawyer and current blogger, discusses the support among Leftists for criminalizing political 'hate speech,' Attorney General Eric Holder’s preliminary investigation of detainee torture, the potentially unlimited scope of the 'executive assassination ring' continued under Obama, why the word 'terrorism' is too politicized to be usefully descriptive and how the recent US/Israel row has prompted many Americans to rethink their support for...