07/23/08 – Pat Buchanan – The Scott Horton Show

Pat Buchanan, political analyst, columnist and author of Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World, discusses the British politicians' colossal blunders that led them into World War I and II and the collapse of their empire, the consequences of American intervention in WWI and imposition of the Versailles Treaty, Hitler's motive to regain the lands lost in the east and willingness to forsake former German provinces in the west out of his...

The Lew Rockwell Show

Check out the new home page and first three shows. (Two and three are interviews of Joe Solerno and Tom Woods.) Update: The Lew Rockwell Show on YouTube.


Robert Higgs calls that which dreamed up "CENTCOM'sMaster Plan for future access to and operations in Central Asia" what it is. The imperial authorities constantly emphasize their efforts to promote our security by suppressing "violent extremism" abroad. Repeat after me: extremism always bad; moderation always good. If Barry Goldwater were alive today and still telling us that "extremism in defense of liberty is no vice," he might well be placed on the Air Force's target list for the Predator...

Is this American or un-American?

Yes, that is a prisoner of the United States with his jaw crudely wired shut - seemingly through the bone - and his lips sewn shut. I wonder how many doctors were in on this... Update: Wikileaks has a good reputation, but I am keeping my mind open to the possibility that this is bullshit. We'll see.

Doug Bandow on Antiwar Radio

Is Attorney General Michael Mukasey declaring war on the Constitution? Scott Horton will be asking this of foreign policy analyst and Antiwar columnist Doug Bandow at 1:15 pm Eastern. Antiwar Radio If you are on Stress, you know where to find it.

07/22/08 – Doug Bandow – The Scott Horton Show

Doug Bandow, author of Foreign Follies: America’s New Global Empire and regular columnist for Antiwar.com, discusses Congress’s abdication of its responsibility in declaring war to the president, the lawlessness of a wartime president, how the ignorant warmonger John McCain, missile 'defense' on Russia’s border, the pending 'Law of the Sea Treaty' and the War Party’s self-fulfilling attitude toward conflict with China. MP3 Here