01/15/08 – David Beito – The Scott Horton Show

David T. Beito, director of the Liberty and Power group blog at the History News Network, discusses the lives, times and principles of Old Right thinkers Isabel Paterson, Rose Wilder Lane and Zora Neale Hurston, their promotion of individual liberty and lassie fair and opposition to the New Deal, World War II, the Cold War, the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and racism.

Austin NAACP President Nelson Linder Defends Ron Paul

Someone made this youtube out of this interview I conducted of my friend Nelson Linder in August of 2007. It is unfortunate that at the time of this interview he mistakenly believed that Paul had written the offensive newsletters, but explained that he's known Paul for 20 years and knows for a fact that he's not a bigot, so the parts in question must be taken out of context. Same difference.

01/14/08 – Juan Cole – The Scott Horton Show

Juan Cole, professor of history at the University of Michigan, discusses current events in Iraq, the 're-Ba’athification' law, relations between various Iraqi factions such as the Sadrists, Da’wa/ISCI, former Ba’athists, 'al Qaeda in Iraq,' Kurds and Arabs in Kirkuk and the consequences of U.S. policy toward them all.

Director of National Intelligence McConnell: Waterboarding is torture if you do it to me

Washington Post: The nation's intelligence chief says that waterboarding "would be torture" if used against him, or if someone under interrogation was taking water into his lungs. But Mike McConnell declined for legal reasons to say whether the technique categorically should be considered torture. "If it ever is determined to be torture, there will be a huge penalty to be paid for anyone engaging in it," the director of national intelligence told the New Yorker in this week's issue, released...

If the Bill of Rights Was the Law

If the Bill of Rights was the law, then it would matter that the United States Supreme Court will soon be forced for the first time to rule that yes, in fact, the second amendment forbids the government from infringing an individual's right to own firearms. The "collective right" crowd, mostly government "servants" have never had a leg to stand on with their ridiculous attempts to claim that the purpose of the second amendment was to protect the state governments' reserved power to maintain...

John Derbyshire Stands By Ron Paul

Great. John Derbyshire, the National Review writer who endorsed Ron Paul, is not phased by the recent smears. First he cites Andrew Sullivan: And, yes, thank God for Ron Paul. No one else, except McCain, copped to the GOP's rank betrayal of fiscal conservatism, limited government, prudent foreign policy and civil liberties. When he was asked to disown the 9/11 Truthers, he gave a revealing answer, and one that reflects on the newsletters issue. It just isn't in his nature to adopt other...

Daniel McCarthy’s New Rep. Ron Paul M.D. Blog

The Daily Dose. A greeting from Daniel here. Here's his recap of Dr. Paul's great performance at the debate the other night and here's one where he makes fools out of the editors of the Washington Post for their latest attempted hit piece.