No Show

Sorry, Scott Horton lovers. The computer and audio equipment are having a fight and so it doesn't look like there'll be a show Thursday. Hopefully I'll have it together by Friday. If the pc is cooked, it'll be till next week. I will be filling in for Charles Goyette on KFNX 1100 in Phoenix next Tuesday.

The Show

for Today: Well, I thought I had an interview lined up, but it looks as though it may have fallen through. Oh well. Listen here or here 11am-1pm Texas time. (second link there: copy/paste url into winamp etc.) Sorry folks, the computer figuratively blew up. Fixed now. (?)

Liberventionism — The Reich way to be

From Libertarians and the War Ron Paul doesn't speak for all of us. BY RANDY E. BARNETT Tuesday, July 17, 2007 12:01 a.m. EDT While the number of Americans who self-identify as "libertarian" remains small, a substantial proportion agree with the core stances of limited constitutional government in both the economic and social spheres--what is sometimes called "economic conservatism" and "social liberalism." But if they watched the...

Antiwar Radio: Bill Brown

Bill Brown, of the Surveillance Camera Players, and author of We Know You Are Watching: Surveillance Camera Players 1996-2006 discusses the rise of the American surveillance state.

The Show

for today: First Hour: Bill Brown. Second Hour: Don't know yet... Listen here or here. (Copy the address, then paste it into the 'play url' section of your dang winamp.) Mp3 here.

Robert A. Taft’s Ron Paul Moment

From David Beito at Liberty and Power: As media and political elites continue to demonize Ron Paul for his comments in the debates, it is remembering that another candidate, who said much the same thing, once came within a hair of winning the Republican presidential nomination. In 1950, Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio firmly explained to dumbfounded interviewers on ‘Meet the Press’ why he opposed sending more U.S. troops to Europe. He condemned the deployment as encirclement and warned that it...

The Show

for today: First hour: I'm playing the audio of Dr. Ron Paul at Google headquarters from last Friday. Second hour: I hate government a lot - slight chance of a good interview. Listen here 11am-1pm central. Mp3 here.

Hands Off Africa, Jerk!

Says this lady in the Post. Do-gooder liberals; the only thing worse is one that becomes a right-wing defense contractor lobbyist/think tank/Pentagon warmonger.

The Shifting Rationales for Empire by Anthony Gregory

This article is based on a speech entitled ‘War, Foreign Policy and Empire, The Changing Political Dynamic,’ which the author delivered at The Future of Freedom Foundation’s June 1—4, 2007, conference entitled "Restoring the Republic: Foreign Affairs and Civil Liberties’ in Reston, Virginia. According to a CBS/New York Times poll from May, 72 percent of Americans disapprove of Bush’s handling of Iraq. This includes 40 percent of Republicans. Sixty-one percent of Americans say the United...