03/26/07 – Chris Floyd – The Scott Horton Show

Chris Floyd discusses the rendition of an American citizen to Ethiopia until he admits he's al Qaeda, the nearly unremarked-upon proxy war for the Warlords in Somalia, why the U.S. should leave Africa alone, the arrogant ignorance of America's political establishments and the distracted apathy of the American people.

Terror Database Has Quadrupled In Four Years

Who's scared of these idiots? They have piles of information, and still zero knowlege or wisdom. Can you imagine what a comedy it would be watching these goofballs even try to implement half of the police state power they've set up for themselves? It would probably end up setting us free. Anyway, here's the Post Each day, thousands of pieces of intelligence information from around the world -- field reports, captured documents, news from foreign allies and sometimes idle gossip -- arrive in a...

You are an evil, bigoted, misogynist, sexist, male chauvinist hater if you don’t want to put women in the U.S. military!

Oh, sorry. I meant you are a stupid ass if you do. Vermont Guardian: Rape fears lead women soldiers to suicide, death Update: Luke Ryland has pointed out that that stupid idiot Janet Karpinksky is a damned liar as well and that I am a fool for having believed a word of it for a minute. Still, you are still an asshole if you let the military have your daughter.

Antiwar Radio: Anthony Arnove

Anthony Arnove, author of Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal discusses his recent TomDispatch column "Four Years Later... and Counting" about the terrible destruction America has wrought in Iraq and prospects for a new political realignment against Empire and the central state here at home.

Uncomfortable Questions: Was the Death Star Attack an Inside Job?

From Websurdity: We’ve all heard the ‘official conspiracy theory’ of the Death Star attack. We all know about Luke Skywalker and his ragtag bunch of rebels, how they mounted a foolhardy attack on the most powerful, well-defended battle station ever built. And we’ve all seen the video over, and over, and over, of the one-in-a-million shot that resulted in a massive chain reaction that not just damaged, but completely obliterated that massive technological wonder. Like many Americans, I was fed...

03/23/07 – Anthony Arnove – The Scott Horton Show

Anthony Arnove, author of Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal discusses his recent TomDispatch column "Four Years Later... and Counting" about the terrible destruction America has wrought in Iraq and prospects for a new political realignment against Empire and the central state here at home.

Antiwar Radio: Michael Scheuer

Former CIA analyst Michael Scheuer discusses Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, al Qaeda, their true motives, how best to fight against them, torture, the escape at Tora Bora, the FBI and CIA in the months before September 11th, the 9/11 Commission sham, the Israeli art students, the Israel and Saudi lobbies, reports that a Pakistani general financed Mohammed Atta, Bojinka, Bill Clinton and 10 blown chances to get bin Laden and the total lack of evidence of a Saddam-al Qaeda connection.

03/22/07 – Michael Scheuer – The Scott Horton Show

Former CIA analyst Michael Scheuer discusses Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, al Qaeda, their true motives, how best to fight against them, torture, the escape at Tora Bora, the FBI and CIA in the months before September 11th, the 9/11 Commission sham, the Israeli art students, the Israel and Saudi lobbies, reports that a Pakistani general financed Mohammed Atta, Bojinka, Bill Clinton and 10 blown chances to get bin Laden and the total lack of evidence of a Saddam-al Qaeda connection.

Antiwar Radio: Leon Hadar

Leon Hadar, foreign policy analyst and author of Sandstorm: Policy Failure in the Middle East, discusses the difference between what the neocons were trying to accomplish, the sad facts of what's happened and the way things could have been instead.

Rice: Iraq War ‘Worth the Sacrifice’

The Post: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice this morning asked Americans "to be patient" as the war in Iraq entered its fifth year, acknowledging early missteps in the conflict but saying "it is worth the sacrifice" to have toppled former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. With a new security plan underway and more American troops deployed to help dampen sectarian violence, "we will start to know relatively soon whether the Iraqis are living up to their obligations," to take more responsibility...

03/20/07 – Leon Hadar – The Scott Horton Show

Leon Hadar, foreign policy analyst and author of Sandstorm: Policy Failure in the Middle East, discusses the difference between what the neocons were trying to accomplish, the sad facts of what's happened and the way things could have been instead.

Antiwar Radio: Joshua Frank

Joshua Frank, author of Left Out: How Liberals Helped Re-elect George W. Bush, explains the relationships between the major Democratic presidential candidates and the Israel Lobby and the negative consequences.