Charlie Rangel: Pro-Slavery

Charles Rangel thinks that having a society where human beings own each other is perfectly okay as long as the slaves are destroying lives and property for the state rather than producing things for private plantation owners. From USA Today: "Americans would have to sign up for a new military draft after turning 18 if the incoming chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee has his way. Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., said Sunday he sees his idea as a way to deter politicians from launching...

Ehud Olmert:

"We in the Middle East have followed the American policy in Iraq for a long time, and we are very much impressed and encouraged by the stability which the great operation of America in Iraq brought to the Middle East.

Bringing the War Home

You know, that place Iraq is fucked up. I hear they got this dictator who throws people into giant human shredders (This is complete bullshit btw). Well, we should send our very best and brightest Americans to fix them up a bit. And if we have to turn America into into an Arab-style dictatorship in the process, well, I guess that's fine. I hadn't really thought too far ahead about it. Here is a blog by Larisa Alexandrovna which includes footage of American police torturing a juvenile for no...

New York Vs. DC

One is full of people who oppose torture, the other is full of torturers. Guess which is which. By James Bovard.

Let the Betrayal Begin

The House Democrats have elected the Pro-War Steny Hoyer to the position of Majority Leader, rejecting Pelosi's choice, the antiwar Jack Murtha. I hate Democrats. Update: Matt reminds me of Robert Sheer's piece running on today. "Because of his credentials as a highly decorated Marine veteran and stalwart Pentagon supporter, U.S. Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) was more effective than any other member of Congress in crystallizing the changing American position on Iraq when he dramatically...

The Death Squads

UK Channel 4 has done an investigative report on the Shi'ite death squads of the Mahdi army and the Badr Brigades - operating out of the Interior Ministry of the US-installed so-called national government of Iraq. Information Clearing House has the video. Remember the El Salvador Option? "We" were going to "hire the locals who know the terrain and can help us beat the Sunni Terrorist

Why it’s the government’s fault that crackheads keep stealing my stereo:

The prohibition of goods - the State's threat of imprisonment for those caught trading in those goods - drives up the cost of warehousing and shipping those goods due to the risk being taken by those doing the warehousing and shipping, who then pass the cost on to the consumer - in this case, local crackheads. The DEA admitted on TV not long ago - no link, but I remember - that cocaine costs 17,000% more than the free-market price because of their prohibition of it. So a $20 rock would be...