06/30/10 – Ray McGovern – The Scott Horton Show

Ray McGovern, former senior analyst at the CIA, discusses the hype surrounding a seemingly benign Russian spy ring in the US, the sorely needed FBI public relations boost from their apparent counter-espionage success, CIA director Leon Panetta's disincentive for changing the 2007 Iran National Intelligence Estimate and why Iran really was pursuing a nuclear weapons program prior to 2003.

06/03/10 – Ray McGovern – The Scott Horton Show

Ray McGovern, former senior analyst at the CIA, discusses the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, LBJ's personal intervention that stopped the Navy from responding to the Liberty distress call and the two most likely explanations for the attack: Israel's desire to assault the Golan Heights without US foreknowledge and to cover up the execution of Egyptian prisoners of war.

02/23/10 – Ray McGovern – The Scott Horton Show

Ray McGovern, former senior analyst at the CIA, discusses the successor to IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei, the rift between US intelligence agencies and the Obama administration over the 2007 Iran NIE, why Adm. Mike Mullen's resistance to Israel's hawkishness on Iran appears to be weakening, how the terrorist attacks of US-supported Jundallah have disrupted diplomacy with Iran and the new poll that indicates Americans are ready to be lied into yet another war.

01/12/10 – Ray McGovern – The Scott Horton Show

Ray McGovern, former senior analyst at the CIA, discusses the rare outspoken exception to the subdued White House press corps, the Obama administration's refusal to explain the motivations of terrorists, the lack of contextual explanation in US media where history begins anew with each terrorist attack and how the US is fighting battles that Israel started.

11/18/09 – Ray McGovern – The Scott Horton Show

Ray McGovern, former senior analyst at the CIA, discusses the embarrassing information likely to be revealed during Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's trial, the media's willful ignorance of the motivation of 9/11 terrorists, the self-defeating U.S. anti-terrorism strategy of targeted assassination without regard for the underlying grievances and the need for regional diplomatic solutions to energy resource conflicts.

08/27/09 – Ray McGovern – The Scott Horton Show

Ray McGovern, retired CIA senior analyst, discusses his confidence that a torture investigation will reach the highest levels of government, the inadequate public outrage that allows Obama to ignore Bush administration crimes, the DOJ memos that brushed aside legal protections against torture and the severe criminal penalties in the 1996 War Crimes Act.

06/04/09 – Ray McGovern – The Scott Horton Show

Ray McGovern, former senior analyst at the CIA, discusses USS Liberty survivor Terry Halbardier's belated Silver Star award, LBJ's personal involvement in preventing military aid from reaching the besieged USS Liberty, two major theories explaining why Israel attacked the ship and Adm. Mike Mullen's groundbreaking mention of the Liberty in an apparent attempt to dissuade Israel from attacking Iran.

04/24/09 – Ray McGovern – The Scott Horton Show

Ray McGovern, former senior analyst at the CIA, discusses the emotional aversion CIA agents developed for their own torture tactics, the moral bankruptcy of torture apologists, the barriers to an effective Senate Intelligence Committee torture investigation and the reemergence of long time cover-up artist Warren Rudman.

03/12/09 – Ray McGovern – The Scott Horton Show

Ray McGovern, former senior analyst at the CIA, discusses the ebb and flow of neoconservative influence in the White House, how the scuttled Charles Freeman appointment weakens U.S. leverage with Israel, the incredible influence still exerted by Steven J. Rosen despite his indictment under the Espionage Act, the shortcomings of the mainstream media and how the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate on Iran prevented a disastrous war.

11/17/08 – Ray McGovern – The Scott Horton Show

Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst and co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, discusses the prospect of a proper presidential intelligence briefing in an Obama administration, what questions Obama should ask his foreign policy gurus about Iran, how the NYT finally got the Georgia story right, how Russia's recent show of force helped put the kibosh on an Iran attack, Cheney's false flag operation fantasies and why Robert Gates is a greater threat to peace than Rumsfeld.

08/15/08 – Ray McGovern – The Scott Horton Show

Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, discusses his new open letter to Colin Powell, he and Powell's similar backgrounds growing up in the Bronx and time spent working together in the White House in the 1980s, the withholding of the Sabri and Habbush no-WMD intelligence before the Iraq war from Powell and other leading figures in the Bush cabinet, the necessity of a Congressional investigation and a Powell's testimony about what really happened, Rep. John Conyers duty as chair of the judiciary...

07/16/08 – Ray McGovern – The Scott Horton Show

Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern discusses his recent article on the probable Israeli/U.S. attack on Iran, Israel's need for new war in Iran to keep the U.S. military in the Mideast due to the failure in Iraq, the outspokenness of the military brass against an attack on Iran, AIPAC's drafting of the new Iran war resolutions, Bush and Cheney's loyalty to Israel, the never-ending conflicts created by the Israel occupation of Palestine, the need for the American people and Congress to understand...