04/21/10 – Jonathan Hafetz – The Scott Horton Show

ACLU attorney Jonathan Hafetz discusses the McCain-Lieberman bill's potential to replace the US justice system with arbitrary and indefinite military detention, Obama's confirmed policy of extrajudicial assassination of suspected American terrorists, illegal government actions shielded by invocations of national security and sovereign immunity and how the Bill of Rights degenerated from a guarantee of individual liberty to a conditional permission slip subject to the whims of government.

05/27/09 – Jonathan Hafetz – The Scott Horton Show

Jonathan Hafetz, staff attorney in the ACLU's National Security Project, discusses Obama's refusal to end military commissions, the U.S. government's gaming of the courts to avoid an adverse Supreme Court ruling on indefinite detentions, some details on Ali Saleh Kahlah Al Marri's military detention and the excessive deference given to presidential authority.