11/07/11 – M.J. Rosenberg – The Scott Horton Show

by | Nov 7, 2011 | Interviews

M.J. Rosenberg, journalist and Senior Foreign Policy Fellow at Media Matters Action Network, discusses his article “‘Attack Iran’ and AIPAC’s infamous chutzpah;” the AIPAC-sponsored bill in Congress that bans diplomacy or negotiations of any kind with Iran; how the “lobby” channels influence from Bibi Netanyahu straight to Congress; AIPAC’s ability to craft US foreign policy legislation, especially that pertaining to Iran sanctions; how a similar diplomatic prohibition in 1962 would have turned the Cuban Missile Crisis into WW III; the brief schism between the lobby and Israel’s government during Yitzhak Rabin’s peace process; and how an Iran war will endanger Israel and the US and force Iran to withdraw from the NPT and make a deterrent nuclear weapon for real.


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